Embracing the Journey Growing in Your Autism Journey When You Feel The Weight of the World

Hi Moms! I am willing to bet that every mom will resonate with today’s topic. No one leads a stress-free life. This is especially true for moms of autistics. 

That is why this topic is essential for your well-being and longevity. Moms want to be around for their kids long term. Constant stress creates wear and tear on your body and mind. 

In this episode, I explore the key to embracing your autism journey when things get so challenging. 

Find the full transcript for this episode at https://thrivingmomsofautistics.com/85

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Moms of Autistics Commonly Experience Stress and Challenges

All Moms experience challenges when raising children. The challenges of raising an autistic are different. 

While autism moms experience similar issues, their autism journeys differ. It’s not the same for everyone. 

Some moms experience elopements and meltdowns at home and in public. Others experience aggression and violent situations. 

In addition most moms worry about their child’s safety. I recall our son at age 3 running down the hallway as the church was letting out. Someone opened the door and he took a sharp turn out the door and across the parking lot.

A man stopped his car and grabbed him as he approached the busy street. We were running behind him and calling for him as quickly and loudly as we could. 

I was about to have ankle surgery, which slowed me down at the time. It was horrifying.

Some moms experience PTSD from repeated incidents. Our minds can only handle so much. This is why taking steps to improve our well-being is so important.

Seeing your child suffer through a meltdown is so hard. We love them so much and want to help them so desperately. 

All of this takes a toll on moms. Not because they are weak, but because the challenges are significant at times.

I do what I can to support my sons well-being. I don’t want him to feel badly about something he cannot help.

It is an honor to be his mother and to be the one who gets to support him. I would do anything for him. 

That is another reason why our well-being is important as moms. When moms are doing well, that overflows to their children. 

We will never be perfect. There is no such thing. But we owe it to ourselves and our children to support our emotional health. 

Moms experience burnout, fatigue, frustration, stress, and often emotional rollercoasters. But that is only part of it.

The Key to Moving from Surviving to Thriving in Your Journey

The key to growth is your perception. How we view events is incredibly important. My advice is to get out of your head! I say that lovingly. 

Your thoughts about the world and yourself guide you, and that is what you manifest. You may have been thinking this way all your life, but you can turn it around. What a gift to yourself and your child!

A growth mindset is a belief that one can develop their abilities and intelligence through hard work. Some struggle with a fixed mindset and assume abilities are static and unchanged.

I talk often about stinking thinking, which gets you stuck. I’ve been there earlier in my life. I never want to go back. Research suggests that people with a growth mindset are happier and cope much better with stress. 

Let’s Cultivate a Growth Mindset Together as Moms!

Here are some steps:

  1. Be kind to yourself. When things go wrong, do not hang on to that. Let it go! I am working on a new product to help you with this. It is so important, and I see the value in it. 
  2. Flip the script. Learn to catch yourself in the mindset of stinking thinking so that you can change it.
  3. Get support. Find others who get autism. Build your community. I can help with this too!

Please know you are not alone. I know it feels that way sometimes.

I hope this helped today!

I look forward to our time together next week!