Hi Moms! Are you feeling held back as a mom and drowning in your own stress? What if I told you that you have the power within you to elicit change. 

Yes, you! Even with all your stressors and challenges as a mom of an autistic, you can make things happen. 

In this episode, I explore what holds you back and keeps you stuck in the continual cycle of stress. 

Find the full transcript for this episode at https://thrivingmomsofautistics.com/87

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The #1 Thing Holding Autism Moms Back?

There are many barriers to thriving in your autism journey. One of the biggest is your thoughts. We call them cognitive distortions. 

They are great disrupters that everyone experiences at some point in life. It is the human condition. Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be like this. 

Unfortunately, autism moms tend to carrier more stress and challenges. You can address these cognitive distortions and cultivate a growth mindset. 

Here are some examples of cognitive distortions:

  1. All-or-Nothing Thinking– This is also called back and one thinking. You see it one way or the other meaning that there is no in between. 
  2. Overgeneralization– You expect that one negative outcome to happen repeatedly. 
  3. Catastrophizing- Predicting or expecting the worst-case scenario.
  4. Personalization–  Blaming yourself for events beyond your control.

Do any of these sound familiar? I know because I have been there too. I never want to go back to that. 

There is no magic wand to make these go away. It takes work and practice, but you can do this, and you are not alone!

When you stay on the road of distorted thinking, your child learns this type of thinking, which escalates the struggles. 

Distortions keep you from seeing the situation clearly and finding solid solutions for challenges.

Embracing the #1 Solution for Getting Stuck in Your Own Head

Carol Dweck studied this very thing for years. She posits that our beliefs about our abilities and intellect can be developed over time with effort. That’s right! We can learn and persevere. 

This is important because it can help us reduce stress, improve our problem solving skills, and increase our emotional resilience. 

In essence, we start believing that we can influence things for the better, creatively solve problems, and bounce back quicker. Sign me up, right!!!

How Do Moms Achieve This and Grow in their Journey to Thrive?

You can achieve a growth mindset when you practice:

  1. Self-Awareness– This is hard to do when it is hitting the fan and things are falling apart. It is important to explore what you are thinking about the situation and ask, “Is this true?” 
  2. Challenge Your Negative Thinking– When you ask if it is true or not, look for evidence. What are the alternatives?
  3. Be Realistic– Are your goals realistic? If not, break them down into achievable goals. Be sure to celebrate small wins along the way.
  4. Grace– Show yourself some compassion and grace. The road is bumpy at times and will never be perfect, but you can achieve some calm if you stay the course mentally.
  5. Learn– Be open to learning for situations and recognize that you can use what you learned in the future.

I have not always had a growth mindset. My mom’s anxiety flowed onto me. I was told that I couldn’t do x, y, and z. My mom was my biggest cheerleader. 

When I was in college, I noticed that I could achieve and learned the power of a growth mindset and positive thinking. 

It got me through some difficult times. I am thankful for those times and how I was able to move from surviving to thriving. This is why I coined the term “positive centered life” and share my formula for achieving this as an autism mom.

I believe in you. I support you! Let’s thrive together!

I hope this has helped, and I look forward to our time together next week.